Tom Her­mans is a Dutch game design­er and hob­by­ist game devel­op­er. Get­ting a game addic­tion as ear­ly as a four year old, it’s a unbro­ken thread hang­ing through his life, and it’s the same sto­ry with game design: from mark­er-scrib­bled mazes & board games to full-blown dig­i­tal games.

He’s a long-time Nin­ten­do fan, and loves indie games more than any­thing else. He loves design­ing puz­zles, user inter­faces, and learn­ing about the psy­chol­o­gy of play. Game Mak­er Stu­dio is his tool of choice, but you can also see him writ­ing web­sites and oth­er software.

You can play some games over here and see what’s keep­ing him busy on his blog or on Twit­ter. You might also like the presskit.  See my port­fo­lio for my cur­rent avail­abil­i­ty for work and collaborations!